Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Bodybuilding Basics (posted on this site on public demand)

“What is the best way to gain size?” Because I am a competitive bodybuilder and coach, I am asked this question more than any other, and in my experience, everyone seems to expect that there should be a black and white answer. The truth is that if a black and white answer were to exist, wouldn't everyone who is seeking physique development already have the body they want?
A common idea in the industry is that in order to get bigger, you must lift

Mass Factors: 7 Pillars Of Nutritional Wisdom To Make You Bigger And Better

Trends and fads in bodybuilding nutrition come and go with the release of the newest batch of cutting-edge supplements or the latest diet craze. There’s always something new, different and exciting to make you bigger and better.
Yeah, right.
I’m not going to look down my nose at alternative approaches to size

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Champion Anil Shrestha shares his Muscle building secrets

Last week MuscleSite (MS) had chance to have chit-chat with one of the best, good-looking, most muscular, yet humble bodybuilder of Nepal : Mr. Anil Shrestha

Look at his BEFORE and AFTER pic and you will guess how hard working this guy would have been.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Just funny how most trainers nowadays adopt this pose. Signal behind cross-arms-across-chest pose

Anytime some muscle nerd strikes a cross-arms-across-chest post to look more jacked in all his online pictures and looks like he's only been working out on a sporty level for a year or so, I wouldn't take all of his  that "best program ever" bullshit seriously. 

I also wouldn't assume the "muscle nerd" didn't have a LOT to

Sunday, July 20, 2014

The Best Affordable Diet for Bodybuilding

The Best Affordable Diet for Bodybuilding
Attaining a bodybuilder's physique does not have to cost a lot in groceries.Photo Credit matthiasdrobeck/iStock/Getty Images
Bodybuilders follow a very specific diet to support their training efforts. Most bodybuilders eat “cleanly,” meaning they avoid processed foods and emphasize fresh produce, lean proteins and unsaturated fats. A quality bodybuilding diet can be affordable, if you shop wisely and emphasize certain foods.

Friday, July 18, 2014


extra virgin olive oil and its amazing testosterone boosting health benefits
It’s always a bit controversial to talk about fats and how healthy most of them really are. Mainly because some of us still actually believe in such non-sense that all fat is bad and blocks arteries.
to hell with such claims as dietary fat, (yes saturated too) has been proven to be not only healthy for you and your endocrine system, it’s also a well researched fact that it’s absolutely essential for the human body and doesn’t block your arteries
…However there’s one of them dietary fats in particular which seems to please all parties, and it’s the extra virgin olive oil.
Why you might ask? Why is it that nobody really bashes olive oil? What makes it so awesome?

olive oil improves cardiovascular healthThere was and still is a time when fats were blamed for everything, and look where it got us?
Now we have an epidemic of obese people and diabetes rates have skyrocketed, not to mention the fact that since this low-fat nonsense started, cardiovascular deaths have increased significantly…
…So could somebody just use some common sense and finally admit that fat was never really that bad?
I mean people don’t even realize the fact that most fats actually improve your cardiovascular health! And this isn’t any bro-science at all. It’s a scientifically proven fact which has been seen in dozens of highly respected studies.
Extra virgin olive oil in particular has been one of the shining stars in heart health research.
Here’s some of what has been found out so far:
1. In this study, the Mediterranean diet which is extremely high in olive oil, was shown to decrease heart attacks, strokes and deaths by 30%

2. In this study, the researchers found out that olive oil drops systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and that it nearly halved the need of blood pressure drugs among the participants.

3. In this study, olive oil was shown to protect LDL cholesterol from oxidative damage (oxidative damage is the only reason why LDL may stick into the arterial walls).

4. Olive oil was seen to improve endolethial function in this study, and also in this study(endolethium is one of the linings inside your blood vessels, and the health of it is extremely important for cardiovascular health and erectile quality).

5. This study and also this study proves how olive oil prevents blood clotting (this is obviously beneficial for heart and erectile health).

6. Olive oil is also anti-inflammatory, which means that it significantly reduces inflammation in the body (inflammation is the trigger of cardiovascular problems in the western diet).

7. People who consume significant amounts of extra virgin olive oil are also far less likely to die from heart attacks and strokes. A conclusion which was made in both this, and in this study.
In a nutshell: Olive oil is extremely beneficial for cardiovascular health. Due to the fact that it reduces inflammation, keeps blood from clotting, and preserves LDL cholesterol from free radicals.
And they told you that fats were bad for your heart…


olive oil converts cholesterol into testosterone and increases male hormone productionDespite the fact that olive oil is awesome for our heart health, I still have to say that this is by far my favorite benefit of olive oil…
…It literally makes it easier for your balls to convert cholesterol into free testosterone (if you didn't already know, this is one of the key parts on how testosterone is made inside of your body, and it’s also the reason why cholesterol is hugely important for men’s health).
How do I know this? Mainly because it has been researched by a group of Argentinian scientists
…This is what they found out:
At the Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plata in Argentina, a group of researchers had male wistar rats as their test subjects

(for those of you who don’t know, male wistars share almost identical reproductive systems with us which basically means that the effects are most likely seen in humans too).

the researchers gave these rats a feed containing of different fats, and then measured their testosterone levels.

What they found out was that there were 2 oils in particular which skyrocketed the testosterone levels in their test subjects…

…Olive oil and coconut oil.

But they didn’t stop there, as they also wanted to know why did that happen. Why did these oils even boost testosterone?

After some more testing, the researchers came to a conclusion that both, olive oil and coconut oil, were able to do 3 things to boost testosterone levels:

1. Coconut oil and olive oil increased the activity of the 3beta-HSD and 17beta-HSD enzymes, both of which are involved in the process of testosterone production.

2. Both of the oils increased the amount of cellular antioxidants in leydig cells which are the cells that produce testosterone inside male testicles.

3. Both of the oils also improved the ability of testicular leydig cells to extract the cholesterol from its ester, which makes it easier for your testicles to use the cholesterol to convert it into free testosterone molecules.
NOTE: One site visitor notified me via email that coconut oil may also inhibit the conversion from testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is why I have shifted more to the side of olive oil which doesn’t inhibit the conversion, as I’m not interested in lowering my DHT levels.


olive oil inhibits aromatase enzyme activity and reduces estrogen levelsJust when I though that olive oil couldn’t be anymore better for our endocrine system, I stumbled upon this study
…A study which found out that a compound called Oleuropein which gives olive oil its flavor, inhibits the activity of aromatase enzyme.
If you’re not familiar with aromatase enzyme, in a nutshell, it’s the enzyme that converts testosterone molecules into the female hormone estrogen, which obviously is something that no man should have going on inside of his body.
So as you can see, not only does olive oil directly stimulate your testicles to boost your testosterone levels. It’ll also increase your testosterone levels indirectly by inhibiting the aromatase enzyme.


differences between the high quality olive oil and low quality olive oilThe answer is no. There’s huge differences between the oils on the market, and choosing the right product can make a huge difference in the quality of the oil.
It’s because of the fact that some manufacturers actually ‘enrich’ their olive oils with GMO’d soybean oil (which lowers testosterone and causes inflammation) and multiple other oils.
Some brands will also derive the oil from the olives with toxic hexyls, which is pretty stupid as the oil can also be cold pressed quite easily.
So what you should aim for, is to get yourself some extra virgin olive oil in a dark glass bottle. That’s the good cold pressed stuff (this is the brand that I use).
What you don’t want to do, is to buy olive oil that is not labeled extra virgin, and you don’t want to buy it in one of those clear plastic bottles either. That would be a very dumb move.


So as you can see, extra virgin olive oil is pretty darn amazing…
…And I didn’t even mention the fact that it has also been studied to prevent cancer and alzheimer’s disease.
All in all, it should now be pretty obvious that olive oil is something you may want to include into your diet as a testosterone booster, and also for heart health.
If you’re looking for a great high quality olive oil, then I highly recommend that you take a look at this brand, which is without a doubt my favorite one. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Protein has been the holy grail of nutrition for bodybuilders and gym rats for decades. It’s the only food group that hasn’t yet been bashed in the media and so far everyone believes that more protein = more muscle and a better life…
…But that’s just not true. Protein isn’t the holy grail of nutrition. Sure it’s needed for muscle building and life, but you don’t need nearly as much as you’re told to eat in fitness magazines.
Here’s something that you probably don’t know about protein:
a) Eating excessive amounts of protein overloads your liver, allowing ammonia and other toxic substances to build up in your bloodstream. This leads to hepatic encephalopathy, a condition highly linked to a decline in brain, nervous, and hormone system function.

b) Some believe that your should scatter your protein intake thorough your day so you can absorb it all. However this study found out that it didn’t matter in terms of protein synthesis or muscle degradation if you ate all of your daily protein in one meal, or in four meals. (this debunks the myths of maximal protein absorption, and once again points home for intermittent fasting).

c) In this study the researchers found out that diet high in protein and fiber decreased testosterone levels (food for thought as testosterone is the number one hormone for people lifting weights).

d) Most of the protein powders sold are denatured and extremely low in terms of quality and absorption.

e) People who have high levels of testosterone and growth hormone can also utilize much more protein than people who don’t, as HGH and T will both increase protein synthesis in the muscle.

d) People under high stress (high cortisol) can’t utilize protein that well as their bodies are constantly in this catabolic state, which means that a huge portion of protein consumed under stress will never be used by your muscles.

The optimal number is extremely hard to predict as it comes down to various factors, such as:
1. How muscular you are. The more meat you pack, the more amino-acids your body uses to maintain those muscles, your amino-acids also have more space to be “stored” if you’re muscular.
2. How old are you. According to this study, the older you get, the more protein your body needs to maintain muscle.
3. Are you a couch potato. The more you move the more protein you need. At least according to this study, and all the laws of common sense.
4. How high are your testosterone and growth hormone levels. As mentioned earlier, if you have high T and HGH then you also can utilize more protein as you also have increased rate of protein synthesis in the muscle.
5. Do you even lift. If you don’t lift any weights then obviously you don’t need as much protein as a guy who lifts regularly.
So those are the 5 factors that make it impossible to conclude a certain amount of protein to eat. As it would never fit everyone…
…But there’s also few guide lines and examples that you could follow:
1. Brad Pilon, the inventor of Eat Stop Eat, and the demigod of intermittent fasting, says that the optimal amount for everyone regardless of their shape and size will fall somewhere in between 70-120 grams of protein a day. (Brad worked in the core of one of the worlds largest supplement companies and has honors degree in nutrition, so he knows stuff).
2. I as a 6’0 feet (183 cm) tall and at a weight of 202 lbs (92 kg) lift 5-6 times a week and am very active. I’m also quite young (21) and I have very high levels of testosterone and growth hormone in my system, I’m also very muscular. In terms of those measurements and information. I have found that the optimal amount of protein for me is somewhere between 100-120 grams a day.

So as you can see the optimal number of grams is extremely hard to conclude, but this post should give you some insights on how to tweak it for your own needs.
NOTE: Always remember that the numbers you find in muscle building magazines are way over exaggerated, as they sell protein powders on those very same magazines, and the magazines are 99% of the time owned by supplement companies. Therefore if they can make people believe that they need huge amounts of protein, they will also sell huge amounts of protein.

OVERTRAINING DOES EXIST : see what it does to your muscle

 overtraining does exist and it lowers testosterone
I’ve seen many fitness ‘experts’ claiming that there’s no such thing as overtraining, or that every guy could lift for 7 days a week, and if they can’t they’re just lazy or unmotivated…
…Well, let me tell you one thing that’s for


foods high in natural nitrates
Nitric oxide (NO) is the undisputed molecule of men’s health. It’s one of the most important factors in every guy’s health, right after testosterone.
The research group who found out the link between heart and nitric oxide, was even


Oh the leg day, the most dreaded day in gym for most people. And the sole reason we now have this chicken leg syndrome among bodybuilders.
Some guys just want to have trimmed upper bodies and still be able to fit in their skinny jean, and some guys believe that you shouldn’t train legs if you want to have the ultimate V taper.
So what are those guys?


Big veiny arms are something that all men secretly want to have. It’s also something that all women secretly want their men to have.

Because it makes you look strong and it usually means that you are strong. And who doesn’t want to look strong?

That’s the reason why there’s always someone doing bicep curls in the gym. Everytime I walk in

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


5 unknown tricks on how to raise testosterone levels naturallyThere’s tons of ways to actually raise your natural testosterone levels and I do also have a huge post with 100 ways to boost testosterone naturally. However there’s also these uncommonways to raise testosterone.


7 tricks to skyrocket natural testosterone production fast at home

If you’re wondering how this picture of prison inmates working out is related to this post, then read on to find out how.
Most of the ways to increase testosterone naturally will take some time before you actually start seeing the effects. However there’s also these quick and effective tricks

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Does Excess Protein Make You Fat?

In this vid I cover the (seemingly) never ending debate regarding the old advice that “protein intakes above your requirements will just be converted to bodyfat” that is the mantra of traditional nutrition advice. Is it true?


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