The research group who found out the link between heart and nitric oxide, was even
awarded a Nobels price back in 1998.
So what does nitric oxide do?
Nitric oxide is the molecule that dilates blood vessels and expands your arteries while also improving blood flow through various other mechanisms.
Increasing nitric oxide levels is extremely beneficial for all kinds of cardiovascular health, and the fact that your blood flow improves all over your body if your nitric oxide levels increase, means that pretty much everything in your body will operate more easily, including testosterone production.
And remember, what’s good for the cardiovascular system, is even better for erectile health.
Luckily one of the easiest ways to increase our nitric oxide levels is through certain foods which are high in natural nitrates. These nitrates will convert into nitritines by the bacteria in your tongue and gut, and eventually converts into nitric oxide (explained in this study).
So here’s the list of 5 foods high in natural nitrates to skyrocket your NO levels:

This lettuce has an pungent and even bitter flavor, it can be mixed into salads, but if you’re like me and hate eating a salad, then you can easily throw some aragula lettuce along with water into a blender and make yourself a drink to gulp down.
NOTE: Aragula lettuce is so popular and on demand that it’s often GMO’d and literally filled with pesticides. That’s why I recommend that you get yourself some organic aragula. Because many of those pesticides used in the agricultural bussiness are endocrine disruptors, meaning that they’ll wreck havoc inside your hormone system.

Along with aragula, it’s also on top of the list of foods high in natural nitrate content. Not to mention that it’s also jam packed with sterols and ecdysteroids that have a solid testosterone boosting effect.
Guess we should of have listened pop-eye in the first place?

One of the most tastiest ways to consume spinach is by making a soup out of it. I don’t know how common spinach soup is in the U.S, but here in Finland it’s one of the dietary staples.
However using spinach in a soup may destroy some of the beneficial compounds, and this may include the nitrates. That’s why I recommend that you consume spinach also in its raw unaltered form. Just chew some or throw it in a blender with water.
NOTE: Conventional spinach is also filled with endocrine disrupting pesticides, so make sure to get organic. (actually there was 54 different pesticide traces found in conventional spinach according to www.WhatsInMyFood.org’s review).

They’re filled with natural nitrates, along with natural betaine which is a methylator that helps your liver to chelate estrogens out of the body.
Not to mention that beets are also high in testosterone boosting boron.
No wonder why the Romans ate beets before battles and before bedroom activities.
If you wan’t to learn more about beets and why they’re awesome, do read this post.

…That’s because I account much of my high testosterone levels to the fact that I eat at least a stalk of celery every day. (Read more about celery and its testosterone boosting benefits here).
However the thing that I really haven’t mentioned that often is the fact that celery is one of the top foods with natural nitrates.
So it’s a double whammy, boosting your testosterone and skyrocketing your nitric oxide production. That’s a perfect dietary combination for a man.
NOTE: Celery also falls in to the category of foods sprayed with shit ton of pesticides. (64 trace chemicals found by USDA). So if you don’t get your celery organic, you probably shouldn’t eat it at all.

This is the staple lettuce in almost all salads and I dare to say that the nitrates in it are the biggest reason that makes salads healthy.
With that being said, I still don’t eat salad. I hate the taste, the texture, and the fact that its not meat.
That’s why I throw my iceberg lettuce straight into the blender and grind down into a drink which can easily be chugged down quickly for a nice NO. boost.
I’ll say this once again – if you’re a guy who loves meat but hates salads – get yourself a solid blender.
Why do I know that?
Because I’ve tested nitrate rich foods versus pre-workout supplements (Jack3d, NOxplode) with these nitric oxide test strips, and I always record significantly higher NO. with these basic foods than with those costly supplements.
see more at www.musclesite.blogspot.com
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