That’s why today I’m going to give you these 5 awesome and rather unknown male hormone boosting tricks, all quite cheap and easy to do.
So let’s cut this nonsense and let’s actually have a look at our 5 uncommon ways on how to raise natural testosterone levels:

Yup that’s true. Ginger is one hell of a strong natural testosterone booster.
What’s even more better is that ginger is also well studied for its testosterone raising benefits:
Ginger did raise testosterone levels by a whopping 17% in healthy males at a study conducted in the University of Tikrit, Iraq. Ginger also boosted luteinizing hormone levels by a staggering 43%! That’s quite an amazing results from a single spice…
By all means don’t overlook this spice. I mean it’s a ridiculously cheap way to boost your testosterone levels naturally, and it’s also great for improving your nitric oxidecount and blood flow, which basically makes ginger one of the greatest “man spices” ever.
It’s funny how it actually took me few years to notice this myself, as I was cycling testosterone boosters and doing hardcore strength training along with all the nitty gritty small things that I could possibly imagine, only to boost my testosterone. Still I did fail to spot the T raising abilities of a single spice called ginger.
So by all means do learn from my mistake, and do add ginger to your arsenal of testosterone boosting tricks.

Creatine is a bodybuilding supplement which has been one of the most respected ones in the supplement field for a long time now.
Other hyped up supplements tend to pop up on the scene and then they slowly fade away, because there never seems to be any real scientific backup for any of them.
However creatine has held it’s place for decades and the reason is pretty simple:
Creatine has clear respected studies that backup its claims 100%, along with a wide list of positive user reviews.
As you might already know from my previous post, I despise bodybuilding supplements. However creatine is something different, as it’s not a bullshit hype product at all (although there’s all sorts of weird creatine formulas hyped up without any scientific backup)
So what is creatine doing at this list of uncommon ways to boost testosterone levels?
Here’s the reason:
According to a human study conducted back in 2010, creatine was able to increase DHT levels in healthy rugby players by a staggering 56%.
Now the DHT or Dihydrotestosterone isn’t testosterone but it’s a from of testosterone which has undergone the effects of the enzyme 5α-reductase, which converts it into a much more stronger androgen called Dihydrotestosterone.
So basically DHT is testosterone on steroids, as it yields much more stronger androgenic effects than plain testosterone does. (You can read all about DHT here.)
I also have a separate post about creatine and testosterone which can be found here.

People think they know their vitamins, but usually when I ask someone for their source of K2, many of them respond like this:
“What the fuck is K2? There’s not any stupid K2, it’s ABCDE for sure”
Nope. K2 is a real vitamin and it can be found in certain fats and fermented foods.
There’s 2 different forms of vitamin K, the K1 which can be found in green vegetables and the K2 which is present in fats, meats, and fermented products as stated above.
The K2 form is the one known for its ability to raise testosterone levels and improve cardiovascular health, and it just so happens to be the form that we’re usually deficient in.
Luckily I have found a 2 step solution to fix the problem:
1. I drink the liquid from Sauerkreaut.
2. I supplement with Butter Oil / Fermented Cod Liver Oil Blend.
That 2 step process ensures that I’m never deficient in K2, and I highly recommend it to you if you’re serious about raising your testosterone levels.

Detoxing your body from heavy metals, toxic xeno-estrogens, and from toxic halides like fluoride and bromide will raise your testosterone levels amazingly well.
Why wouldn’t it? Our body is constantly bombarded with shitty chemicals, parabens, fluoride, bromide, xeno-estrogens, and pththalates. It’s basically filled with testosterone lowering substances, and that my friend will seriously lower your natural testosterone levels.
It’s not uncommon to lose few pounds of “water weight” after detoxing, and it’s not just any “water” that comes out of your body, as in reality it’s those chemicals and metals that are being flushed out of your body.
I know it’s quite a feminine thing to do a detox because for some weird reason, only women and hippies tend to practice it. However this doesn’t change the fact that the people who really would need to detox are all of us males…
You might have this image on your head that detoxing is a hard process where you’re only drinking lemon juice and eating green vegetables.
However that’s just a way endorsed by health magazines and hippies.
All you really need to do to detox your body is this:
Consume some spirulina or chlorella daily, as both of those algaes are scientifically proven to be very effective at detoxing the human body, and that’s all you need to do to detox that shit out of your body. That’s it, nothing fancy.

Pomegranates might just as well be the “best”testosterone boosting food around. However there’s not that much fuzz about them around the internet…
Here’s why pomegranates are so awesome:
In a recent unsponsored and highly reputable study, the researchers found out that juice made from pure pomegranates increased salivary testosterone levels of their male subjects by 24% on average. Also their systolic blood pressure went down significantly, which is not a big surprise aspomegranates do also increase your nitric oxide levels.
However researchers can’t obtain those similar results with pomegranate extracts. It’s only the pure pomegranate that works.
I believe that the reason for that occurrence must lie behind its high antioxidant content, as the extract form has no antioxidants in it, but the pure form is ridiculously high in them.
There you have it! 5 scientifically proven uncommon ways to raise your testosterone levels naturally: Ginger, creatine, vitamin K2, detox, and pomegranates.
Hope you liked em’ and make sure that you’re adding them to your everyday life, because these five might be uncommon, but it doesn’t mean that they’re useless. It’s actually quite the other way around!
Thank you for reading and if you have anything to add then open your mind in the comments section!
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