If you’re wondering how this picture of prison inmates working out is related to this post, then read on to find out how.
Most of the ways to increase testosterone naturally will take some time before you actually start seeing the effects. However there’s also these quick and effective tricks
that can be done in essence to boost your testosterone levels in a blink of an eye.
On top of that, these tricks are easy, cheap, and completely doable.

To make sure that your body starts increasing its natural testosterone production, you first have tho stop this one thing that constantly decreases your testosterone production.
It’s called: dehydration.
Most of us actually are dehydrated, despite the fact that we have constant access to water…
…Guess what happens to your endocrine system when you’re not drinking enough?
Your hormonal system will slow down and decrease testosterone, HGH, and dopamine production
Plain and simple: Drink enough water to keep your body dehydrated and enjoy the benefits of boosted testosterone.
How much water do I need to drink then?
This is a tricky question to answer, and you probably have heard the magical 8 glasses a day being constantly pushed in the media and among the health professionals…
However there’s not a single study to ever conclude the fact that the optimal amount of water per day would be 8 glasses.
It depends on the individual. Bigger guys need more water, smaller guys need less water, and medicore guys need average amounts of water, and if you’re working out you obviously need much more water on top of that.
The key here is to follow your own body. If you feel like drinking water then that’s an early sign of dehydration, and also remember to monitor the color of your urine.

To spike up your testosterone production by 20% in less than 2 minutes, all it takes is for you to assume a different position. That’s all there is to it!
Let me explain you:
There’s this study concluded by Cuddy et al. Who with his team of other researchers did this small test on college students…
1. Subjects entered a room where they proceeded to spit in to a vial. Their base testosterone and cortisol levels were then taken from that sample.
2. Researchers then tell their subjects to do either power positions, or positions that portray no power.
3. After holding those poses for 2 minutes, researchers again asked their subjects to spit into another vial to see if there was any notable changes in testosterone or cortisol.
The results: On average the group that was doing “power-positions” increased their testosterone levels by a staggering 20% also their cortisol levels decreased by 25%
The group which were told to hold those “non-power” positions had reverse results, as on average their testosterone levels decreased by 10% while cortisol levels increased by 15%.
I have a bigger post about that study here, which has an image with all of the actual poses the subjects held at that study, with also a brief video explanation by Amy Cuddy herself.

This is an easy trick you can start doing immediately.
Just put your chair aside and do 20 high intensity squat jumps, as a result your testosterone levels will for a brief moment be incredibly high and they’ll remain elevated for hours after.
Here’s why:
When you suddenly start doing a task that requires such instant focus and resources from the body, your hypothalamus has no other choice than to signal your pituiary gland to produce more testosterone in response to the sudden muscle stimulation.
The effect is more stronger because when doing the jump squat you’re working your whole body, but the most of the muscle stimulation will be happening on your leg muscles, which are the biggest muscles in your body, known to release the most testosterone.
That’s why you always want to work big muscles on the gym too.
The Bigger the muscle = The bigger the hormonal response.
Jumping will also stimulate your lymphatic nervous system to function better, which furthermore helps your endocrine system to produce more testosterone.

Eggs are filled with cholesterol, which is a steroid hormone, and a precursor for all your sex-hormones, including testosterone!
However if you’re frying up the eggs, some of that cholesterol will oxidize.
So what could then be the best way to consume this precursor of testosterone quickly without having to worry about oxidization?
Break an egg into a glass and gulp it down like a man! Then make sure it becomes a habit.
This is what the old-school bodybuilders did and this is what still works. Eggs just happen to be one of the best kinds of fuel for your testosterone, so buy tons of them and eat tons of them!
On good days I will actually consume 5-12 raw eggs, and I have consumed tons of eggs for years like a maniac. It’s also about 2 years since I did my last cardio session, so I must have a cardiovascular problem then?
Nope. Completely clear arteries thanks to high testosterone, High Interval Intensity Training,real foods, and strength training.

Russian powerlifters used this weird trick before competitions some tens of years ago.
The idea bases on the fact that the optimal heat of your ball sacks to produce testosterone and sperm is a bit colder than your average body-temperature
(that’s why they hang in that special party-pouch outside your body).
That’s why those crazy russians figured out that they needed to freeze their balls of to get a huge boost in testosterone so they could lift weights more efficiently.
Fortunately you don’t have to freeze your beloved balls like that brawe fellow on the image is doing.
Just man up and hop on a cold shower for example, or do something that gets your balls to be few degrees colder than the rest of your body.
That’s a super easy and completely free way to immediately produce more testosterone.

Your brain can be unbelievably strong tool if you use it correctly, because if you believe in something hard enough, eventually you will make it.
It sounds like a huge cliche to say something like this but in reality it’s mostly true.
So how can you use the power of your brain and beliefs to boost testosterone?
Answer: You have to embrace your masculinity and hard-wire your brain to actually believe that you’re the alpha-male. Just convey the image of you being better than anyone else in your head.
I know it sounds crazy but it works. Just like in the number #2 trick in this list, you can fake it til’ you make it!
Of course I’m not telling you to suddenly disrespect everyone and be something that you’re not.
All I’m saying is that you just need to hard-wire this image in your head that you’re the alpha-male who deserves stuff, deserves to eat first, and deserves to mate all the females.
Eventually your brain and body will adapt into this thinking model and that’s when true success takes place.
But how does hardwiring your brain to be the “alpha” help with boosting testosterone levels?
For example there’s this weird animal study where the researchers removed the alpha-male monkey from its pack, and placed one “average Joe” monkey to be the next alpha-male or the pack leader.
What happened inside the endocrine system of that new pack leader was remarkable:
The new pack leader experienced some significant chances in his hormonal profile, as testosterone levels skyrocketed trough the roof, and the stress hormone cortisol plummeted significantly.
Why did this happen?
Because the body and brain of that monkey adapted to his new social status. The pack leader needs to have high testosterone and low cortisol to actually be able to lead without panic.
Okay but that’s only one animal study, does this have anything to do with humans?
Yes it does. Just think about the guys who go to jail.
How come can they become se big and buff in short duration of time inside a prison where there’s limited nutrition, limited equipment, and so on?
Basically they’re having far less options for working out than normal people do, but still those inmates happen to be super ripped and will obtain those crazy physiques in no time.
Because they need to. Their social situation creates the need to become ripped and bad-ass looking individual. So the brain actually notices the situation and a primal trigger snaps on.
As a result those prison inmates will have huge amounts of natural testosterone and growth hormone in their system, to help them become big and bulky in short duration of time. So they’ll become big bad-asses.
So don’t ever underestimate the power of your brain and beliefs.

Commercial foods found in your local grocery store will damage your testosterone levels big time…
There’s no sweet way to say this, but if you’re eating commercial non-organic foods you’re consciously lowering your testosterone levels.
Let’s take one chemical present in 99% of commercial breads to be used as an example:
Commercial breads are filled with potassium-bromide a dough conditioner that replaced potassium iodate in the 60′s.
The big bread companies claimed that bromide was better for people, when in reality they only used it because it made the bread more elastic so they could hang it in hooks more easily.
So people were just like okay that’s cool.
However nobody really told those people how potassium-bromide was used and tested in gulag prisons…
Back in the 50′s a group of gulag prison wardens figured out that they needed a chemical to turn their inmates more passive, which would make it easier for the guards to handle their prisoners.
So they came up with this toxic halogen that disrupts male hormone system by lowering testosterone levels called bromide.
They then added bromide to their prisons water supply and in the foods of those inmates.
It was a great success and the inmates became more kind and understanding towards the guards.
However after some time passed on, the adminstration of bromide to prisoners was declared to be against the human rights, because of the fact that it actually made most of the inmates impotent.
Canada also banned potassium-bromide enhanced flours in 1994. Bromide has also been banned in the UK since 1990.
So bromide might work well in prisons if it’s used to chemically lower the inmates testosterone to make them less dangerous to the guards, but what the fuck does this substance do in our bread still in 2014?!
Oh and by the way, bromide is also present in Mountain Dew, Fresca, and multiple other commercial food items…
That was just one example of what kind of preservatives and chemicals are pumped into our foods today, as there’s over 50,000,000 chemicals listed in the US database, and most of them are known to disrupt the endocrine system.
Think about that the next time you’re having a nice serving of commercial shit.
Well, those were the 7 quick ways to stimulate testosterone production in your body. You can use these 7 everyday, and you most definitely should.
If you have any questions about these tricks to boost T, then let’s discuss in the comments, or you can contact me directly trough the form in the footer.
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