Because it makes you look strong and it usually means that you are strong. And who doesn’t want to look strong?
That’s the reason why there’s always someone doing bicep curls in the gym. Everytime I walk in
someone is bicep curling away with the dumbbells.
But there’s one thing that almost all of those bicep curling gym rats have in common…
…Not many of them actually have big biceps. I’d say that 95% of the men building their arms never even get big arms.
Because they don’t know how to really train to make those small arm muscles grow. That in my opinion is extremely weird. As many guys do only focus on arms, and read all about how to build those guns on fitness magazines and so on.
And there is a problems number one. Fitness magazines…
…They are filled with personal workout programs of Jay Cutler, Ronnie Coleman, and so on. And what does that mean?
99% of the guys reading those magazines will look at the arms of those guys and decide that they should workout like Jay Cutler does or Ronnie Coleman does.
That’s a huge mistake, and it will guarantee that your arms will stay relatively small.
Here’s why:
If you open muscle & fitness and start reading it, you’ll soon notice that almost all of the guys on that magazine are on steroids. And steroids change everything.
You can’t workout like a person who uses steroids. You can’t mimic Jay Cutlers program. That’s extremely stupid. On steroids people can work out with high reps and low weights, and still be able to grow huge arms.
All it requires when you’re on junk, is that you stimulate the muscle. So that’s what they do. They stimulate the muscle sometimes even multiple times a day to activate the protein synthesis and the roids do the rest.
Does this approach work for guys who are natural?
Hell no. Not in a million years. I have done the same mistake myself as I did follow Jay Cutlers arm routine few years ago (yes I was an idiot) and the results were less than impressive. We as natural lifters can’t follow the programs of people who use steroids.

If you are on roids, or if the rant above doesn’t make sense to you. Feel free to leave this website.
So, what’s the key to building big steroid free biceps and triceps?
a) Low reps with relatively high amount of weight. This is the golden rule of building big and strong muscle.
b) Progression. When you can do more than 8 reps, switch to bigger weights. Then repeat the process. Always progress and add more weight.
b) Progression. When you can do more than 8 reps, switch to bigger weights. Then repeat the process. Always progress and add more weight.
That’s pretty much it. You don’t need drop sets and you don’t need to “feel the burn” in muscles, and for the love of god, don’t workout with high reps and light weights.
So what’s the ideal rep range? How many sets should I do?
Answer: All that matters is that you’re progressing to heavier and heavier weights. 3-8 repetitions and around 3-6 sets. Something that fits you. This isn’t rocket science. It’s muscle and it has no other option than to grow bigger & stronger if you constantly progress with heavier and heavier weight.
That’s how the big guys back in 20′s, 30′s and 40′s worked out. They had no muscle & fitness, they had no internet, studies, or steroids. They had to use their common sense.
And when you think about it. It makes sense to workout with big weights and progress to bigger and bigger weights to make the muscle bigger and stronger.
On the other hand it goes against all the laws of common sense and science to workout for high reps with low weight. It makes no sense that high rep training would build you bigger muscles. Mainly because it doesn't.
Obviously you need to know the right exercises for building bigger arms, and just like in everything that comes down to lifting, simplicity is the real king.
Nothing needs to be supersetted, you don’t need machines, you don’t need drop sets, you don’t need that shit.
All you need to do is the same stuff that the big guys did before the steroid era.
So I’ll show you 2 exercises for your biceps and 2 for your triceps. These exercises will also build your forearms:

Once you can do 8 dips without weights, then get yourself a dip belt and add some weights into the mix.
That’s how you build amazing triceps and forearms. Dip with weights hanging below you. And do that while progressively adding more weight to the belt.
Once you can hit 8 reps with a certain weight, add more, and more, and more, and soon you’ll be strong and huge. That’s the “magic” formula. Forcing your muscle to grow bigger, it has no other choice when you add weight progressively.

And weighted chin ups will build your biceps like crazy.
When I started doing weighted chin ups I noticed huge gains in the size of my biceps (and back).
So again how you do this is by progression. Once you can do 8 reps of chin ups without weights, you will add weights into the mix.
Progressively add more and more when you can and your biceps and the insides of your forearms will become huge. Guaranteed.

The main reason why most of those guys in the gym doing bicep curls aren’t really going anywhere is the fact that they train just like the fitness magazines say…
…With high reps and low to moderate weights. And frankly that’s not the way to grow natural muscle mass.
To make some muscle by curling, you again need to do it with high weight and low reps.
If you can do 8 reps then add in weight. Always add more weight and progress further.

Most people fail to see the benefits that bench pressing has on your triceps as it is not only a movement for your chest.
So you want to know a great way to build your triceps?
Just do close grip bench presses with big weights and low reps, just as explained above. If you can do 8, then add in more weight. Progress all the time.
Your triceps will get huge. There’s no other change. If you combine weighted dips with close grip bench presses in your workouts, I guarantee you that you will be amazed on how fast your triceps will grow.

1 set of heavy deadlifts before I leave the gym.
Why? What does that have to do with arms?
Pretty much actually, because once you do deadlifts (a huge compound movement) you’ll activate so many muscles in your body at the same time that there will be huge amounts of growth hormone and testosterone to be released into your bloodstream.
So what does all that testosterone and growth hormone do to your arms?
Answer: It will stimulate the protein synthesis inside your muscles, and protein synthesis furthermore helps your muscles to grow and repair itself.
So that’s why I either deadlift or squat one heavy set, before I go home after working out arms.
Works for me, most likely works for you too.
As you can see building huge arms isn’t rocket science. Bodybuilding as a whole isn’t rocket science. They had great bodies back in the 20′s without machines, steroids, and wacky drop sets.
All because of progression and heavy weight training.
There’s millions of ways to workout, thousands of different “drop-sets” and supersets and all sorts of special tricks, but at the end of the day, the thing that has made muscles grow for the past hundred years has been progression. Progression to bigger and bigger weights.
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