Till then MS team would like to congratulate Parash for being on a Physique of the week segment on Muscle site.
But this morning the online interview started with the bad news that Parash is not able to compete in the upcoming Mr. Himalaya to be held at covered hall kathmandu; due to his health condition even doctor negated his wish to compete in this competition , He says' he is very sorry that even after 41 days of strict dieting something went wrong with his stomach and he is not able to participate this time but next time he is gonna put the stage on fire.

This fun loving fitness freak is Mr Purbanchal 2070, Gold medalist in 80 Mr. Nepal and Silver medal
in bullsman 80 kg.
He started bodybuilding from year 2000. Started getting active in sports from 2002. For seven years he was out of country working as fitness instructor, He came back at 2014 and competed in Mr. Nepal and surprised everyone by winning Gold medal in 80 Kg. then he won Mr. Purbanchal and Mr. Bullman as well in which he stood 2nd.
He was a person to watch at last bullsman at pokhara as he give very very tough competition to winner Gyan narayan and Ram b. dahal.

Mr. Bhujel will be sharing his training and diet secret with us in near future duly.

H can be reached at +966 50 208 8872 and www.facebook.com/groups/nbanepal also.
Thank you Parash Bhujel
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