Last week MuscleSite
(MS) had chance to have chit-chat with one of the best, good-looking,
most muscular, yet humble bodybuilder of Nepal : Mr. Anil Shrestha .
Look at his
BEFORE and AFTER pic and you will guess how hard working this guy would have
from talking about general agenda and current scenario of bodybuilding in
Nepal; MuscleSite (MS) requested him to tell us more about him and his
training & diet regiment so that people around the world could get benefit
by his experience and knowledge.
is the excerpts of what he had shared with us for the benefit of whole BB
scenario of Nepal in coordination with KTM NPS (NBBAN).
People out there, I am Anil Shrestha from old baneshwor. I am 35 years old now, I am 5 feet 5 inches tall. I have been working out in various gyms from around 17 years. I worked out for 7 years in Saudi
Arabia , 8 years in Baneshwor gym and at present i m with Royal Gym, Bauddha
from last 4 years.
Mr.Purbanchal, 2000 -
Mr bagmati,2001 -
Dharmashree, 2001 -
Mr Bagmati 2007
Dharmashree 2011 -
Mr. Himalaya 2012 -
Mr. Nepal 2014
Dharmashree 2014
Mr bagmati,2001 -
Dharmashree, 2001 -
Mr Bagmati 2007
Dharmashree 2011 -
Mr. Himalaya 2012 -
Mr. Nepal 2014
Dharmashree 2014
My Vital Status : (in inches)
Off season body size
- Chest 48 - Arms 19 - Waist 33 - Thigh 24 - Weight 86 to 88 kg.
Competition body size
- Chest 48 - Arms 17 - Waist 29 - Thigh 23- Weight 68-70 kg.
My Exercise chart and diet chart for my dear friends:
Exercise Chart
Day 1
Bench press
Flat flying
Dumbbell pullover
Close push up
Lying triceps
French press
Calf raises
Seated calf raises
Chining bar.
Barbell Rows.
Dumbell rows
Front Pully lat pulldown
Seated Pully Pull down
Barbell curls
Dumbell curl.
Side rod bendovers
seat ups
Leg raises
Day 3
Barbell Front Press
Dumbbell shoulder press
Bent over side laterals
Upright rows
Barbell shrugs
Calf Raises
Day 5
Free squat.
Weighted Squat.
Front Squat
Leg Curls.
Stiff leg barbell rows
Day 6 & 7
And my reps are :
1st week 12-15 Repetitions.
2nd week 9-11 Repetitions.
3rd week 6-8 Repetitions.
4th week 3-5 Repetitions.
Every month-end drop sets
Multivitamin in the morning
8:00 -- 5 egg whites. Poriz, cornflex, honey
9:00 -- exercise
11:00-- Whey protein, Amino acids
12:00 -- Beans, milk, egg, fish oil.
3:00 -- Rice, Dal,(lentils) Tarkari (fresh veggies).
5:30 -- Tuna, Milk, Chocos
8:30 -- Egg whites, Beans, Chicken breast, brokauli, Fish oil
10:00-- Salad. Green tea.
I used to workout at Baneshwor gym in 2052. In 2060 i went to Saudi Arabia, and then from 2067 till date i am with Royal Gym Baudhha.
Bodybuilding Tips for
People who
just start out on a bodybuilding training
course often set unrealistic goals. They are not to blame since there are so
many get quick muscles and body ads which promise a world-class body in only a
few weeks. Fact is that bodybuilding is a sport of commitment.
To put on
tremendous weight overnight is not recommended. You will have to eat like crazy
and most of the foods consumed will not be transformed into muscle, but rather
flab around the waist and cholesterol that will build up in your
arteries. As such read up as much as you can about bodybuilding and do read what the experts say. When
talking about experts, the idea is to get advice from bodybuilding
professionals who have gained reputations for excellent training.
People train
better when they have goals. It is also true for bodybuilding. No champion won the title
from riding the wind. It is super fine if your goals are not to win the next competition. If
however, you want to get near to you goal, you need to train harder, longer, and
more disciplined.
Please note that it took me grueling 3 whole months to get to 67 kg from that 86 kg.
Please note that it took me grueling 3 whole months to get to 67 kg from that 86 kg.
Contact me at 9842430615 to help you set realistic
bodybuilding goals and help you train to achieve your objectives in bodybuilding.
As far as practicable i will be replying your answer of this article on the facebook link of this article on "Natural Bodybuilding association nepal" group. Which can be found at https://www.facebook.com/groups/nbanepal/
Thanking you all .
Love you
Anil Shrestha, Old Baneshwor, Kathmandu.
26 July 2014
P.S. : Questions, Comments , Suggestions , Advises and corrections are warmly welcome. --Ktm Nps (https://www.facebook.com/ktm.nps)
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