Anytime some muscle nerd strikes a cross-arms-across-chest post to look more jacked in all his online pictures and looks like he's only been working out on a sporty level for a year or so, I wouldn't take all of his that "best program ever" bullshit seriously.
I also wouldn't assume the "muscle nerd" didn't have a LOT to
offer from the point of view of building muscle and losing fat just on the basis oh his measly physique.
The Signal behind cross-arms-across-chest pose symbolizes Mr. Know all who is not able to make his mark on the fraternity at all. All he does by flaunting this pose is expanding his ego.
Crossed Arms on chest is universal and is decoded with the same defensive or negative meaning almost everywhere. It is commonly seen among strangers in public meeting, or queues or parties or anywhere that people feel uncertain or insecure and their self identity is in CRISIS. But when a wanna-be muscle guy flaunts this pose it simply means he wants to show-off his flat ego. He wants to show off what he is not. May be he wants to be called as great muscleman or great iron guru or he may be a got damn follower who wants to showoff that he is a great wanna-be leader.
One thing is for sure, that's this pose shows off his muscularity to some degree.
But often less confident you are about your situation more you show-off this pose. It symbolizes that you are not sure of something in your life. You have unknown fear about identity-crisis.
"As long as someone holds an arms-folded position, a negative attitude will persist."
so have you seen any wanna be muscle guru flaunting this pose..
well tell him.............ha ha ha ha.
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